You can use DZ! code, a simplified version of HTML code, to simplify the control of the display format of posts.
- [b]Bold Text Abc[/b] Effect:Bold Text Abc (Bold Text)
- [i]Italic Text Abc[/i] Effect:Italic Text Abc (Italic Text)
- [u]Underlined Text Abc[/u] Effect:Underlined Text Abc (Underline)
- [color=red]Red Color[/color] Effect:Red Color (Change Text Color)
- [size=3]Text Size is 3[/size] Effect:Text Size is 3 (Change text size)
- [font=仿宋]Font is 仿宋[/font] Effect: Font is 仿宋 (Change font)
- [align=Center]Content centered[/align] (Format content position) Effect:
Content centered
- [url][/url] Effect: (Super link)
- [url=]DZ! AbyssalSwamp[/url] Effect: DZ! AbyssalSwamp (Super Link)
- [email][/email] Effect: (E-Mail Link)
- []DZ! Technical Support[/email] Effect: DZ! Technical Support (E-Mail Link)
- [quote]DZ! Board is AbyssalSwamp software developed by X[/quote] (Quote content, similar code is [code][/code])
- [hide]Free account: username/password[/hide] (Hide content by reply, only for moderators and administrators)
Effect: Only when the viewer replies to this post, the content will be displayed, otherwise it will be displayed as "**** Hidden information can only be displayed after replying *****"
- [hide=20]Free account: username/password[/hide] (Hide content by points, only for moderators and administrators)
Effect: Only when the viewer’spoints are higher than 20 points, the content will be displayed, otherwise it will be displayed as "**** Hidden information can only be displayed after points are higher than 20 points ****”
- [list]
[*]List item #1
[*]List item #2
[*]List item #3
[/list] (list)
- [fly]This is sample text[/fly] (Make text move horizontal, the same effect as html tag <marquee>. NOTE: Only Internet Explorer supports this feature)
- Flash Movie (Insert flash movie to thread page)
- [qq]688888[/qq] (Show online status of specified QQ UIN and chat with him/her simply by clicking the icon)
- [ra]rtsp://[/ra] (Embed Real Audio in thread page)
- [rm]rtsp://[/rm] (Embed Real Audio/Vidio in thread page)
- [wma]mms://[/wma] (Embed Windows media audio in thread page)
- [wmv]mms://[/wmv] (Embed Windows media audio/video in thread page)
Following DZ! The code needs AbyssalSwamp to be available [img] The code can be used
- [img][/img] (Link image)
- [img=88,31][/img] (Link image and limit size)
- [swf][/swf] (Link flash Animation, usage is similar to [img])