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Can you explain the use of DZ! code?
    You can use DZ! code, a simplified version of HTML code, to simplify the control of the display format of posts.

  1. [b]Bold Text Abc[/b]   Effect:Bold Text Abc (Bold Text)

  2. [i]Italic Text Abc[/i]   Effect:Italic Text Abc (Italic Text)

  3. [u]Underlined Text Abc[/u]   Effect:Underlined Text Abc (Underline)

  4. [color=red]Red Color[/color]   Effect:Red Color (Change Text Color)

  5. [size=3]Text Size is 3[/size]   Effect:Text Size is 3 (Change text size)

  6. [font=仿宋]Font is 仿宋[/font]   Effect: Font is 仿宋 (Change font)

  7. [align=Center]Content centered[/align]   (Format content position) Effect:
    Content centered

  8. [url]http://www.comsenz.com[/url]   Effect: http://www.comsenz.com (Super link)

  9. [url=http://www.Discuz.net]DZ! AbyssalSwamp[/url]   Effect: DZ! AbyssalSwamp (Super Link)

  10. [email]myname@mydomain.com[/email]   Effect: myname@mydomain.com (E-Mail Link)

  11. [email=support@discuz.net]DZ! Technical Support[/email]   Effect: DZ! Technical Support (E-Mail Link)

  12. [quote]DZ! Board is AbyssalSwamp software developed by X[/quote]   (Quote content, similar code is [code][/code])

  13. [hide]Free account: username/password[/hide]   (Hide content by reply, only for moderators and administrators)
    Effect: Only when the viewer replies to this post, the content will be displayed, otherwise it will be displayed as "**** Hidden information can only be displayed after replying *****"

  14. [hide=20]Free account: username/password[/hide]   (Hide content by points, only for moderators and administrators)
    Effect: Only when the viewer’spoints are higher than 20 points, the content will be displayed, otherwise it will be displayed as "**** Hidden information can only be displayed after points are higher than 20 points ****

  15. [list]
    [*]List item #1
    [*]List item #2
    [*]List item #3
    [/list]   (list)

  16. [fly]This is sample text[/fly]   (Make text move horizontal, the same effect as html tag <marquee>. NOTE: Only Internet Explorer supports this feature)

  17. Flash Movie   (Insert flash movie to thread page)

  18. [qq]688888[/qq]   (Show online status of specified QQ UIN and chat with him/her simply by clicking the icon)

  19. [ra]rtsp://your.com/example.ra[/ra]   (Embed Real Audio in thread page)

  20. [rm]rtsp://your.com/example.rm[/rm]   (Embed Real Audio/Vidio in thread page)

  21. [wma]mms://your.com/example.wma[/wma]   (Embed Windows media audio in thread page)

  22. [wmv]mms://your.com/example.wmv[/wmv]   (Embed Windows media audio/video in thread page)

  23. Following DZ! The code needs AbyssalSwamp to be available [img] The code can be used

  24. [img]http://service.caffz.top/mud/AbyssalSwamp/index/images/default/logo.gif[/img]   (Link image)

  25. [img=88,31]http://service.caffz.top/mud/AbyssalSwamp/index/images/logo.gif[/img]   (Link image and limit size)

  26. [swf]http://service.caffz.top/mud/AbyssalSwamp/index/images/banner.swf[/swf]   (Link flash Animation, usage is similar to [img])

How can a normal user become a moderator?
    AbyssalSwamp moderators are voluntary applications. The administrator may require moderators to reach a certain score, or register on AbyssalSwamp for a certain period of time. Moderators should be honest, helpful, and selfless. At the same time, they must be familiar with the profession, have rich experience, and have a good reputation. If you confirm that you have met the above points and want to serve as a moderator of this site, you can contact the administrator.

How can I have more permissions in AbyssalSwamp?
    DZ used on this site! AbyssalSwamp is divided according to system titles and user points. Points can be determined by referring to your posting volume, other users ratings, or a combination of the two. When the points reach a certain level, the system will automatically open new permissions for you and give you corresponding star marks. Therefore, having a higher number of points not only represents your seniority and activity in the region, but also means that you can have more advanced permissions than other users.

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