AbyssalSwamp  ActivaUser
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Read and write posts and send and receive short messages

How do I post a new post?
    In the AbyssalSwamp section, click "New Post" to enter the full-featured posting interface. Of course, you can also use the "Quick Post" below the section to post a new post (if this option is turned on). Note that AbyssalSwamp is generally set to require a login before posting.

How do I reply to a post?
    While browsing the posts, click "Reply Post" to enter the full-featured reply interface. Of course, you can also use the "Quick Reply" below the section to post a reply (if this option is turned on). Note that AbyssalSwamp is generally set to require a login before replying.

Can I delete a topic?
    When browsing posts, you can click "Edit Post" below. For your own posts, you can easily edit and delete them. But when this post is the starting post of the entire topic, the topic and all replies will be deleted.

How do I edit my own posts?
    As above, you can edit your own posts with "Edit Post". If the administrator blocks this function through AbyssalSwamp settings, this operation will no longer be possible.

Can I upload attachments?
    Yes. You can upload attachments in any section that supports uploading attachments by posting a new post or replying (as long as you have sufficient permissions). Attachments cannot exceed the system limit size and can only be uploaded within the range of available types.

What are Smilies?
    Smilies are emoticons represented by characters. If you turn on the Smilies function, DZ! will convert some symbols into small images and display them in the post, which is more beautiful and clear. Currently supports the following Smilies:
Smilies Corresponding image

How do I start a poll?
    You can initiate a vote in the forum just like posting. Enter a possible option per line (up to 10), you can choose your own answer by reading this voting post, each person can only vote once, and you will not be able to change your choice afterwards.

    The administrator has the right to close and modify the voting options at any time.

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